How to Get Free Traffic from Flipboard: A Proven Guide

Do you know Flipboard has over 100 million users every day looking for new stories?1 This means it’s a great place for bloggers to find more readers and it’s free. This guide will show you how to use Flipboard to get people to your blog or website without spending any money.

Flipboard started in 2010. It collects news, blog posts, and social media in a magazine style.1 For bloggers, it’s great because it sends people right to their websites. Following this guide, you’ll find out how to make a strong presence on Flipboard, make your content work well there, and see how many people visit your blog.

Key Takeaways

  • Flipboard has over 100+ million active users, making it a powerful traffic source for bloggers.
  • The platform directs traffic directly to your website when users click on your articles.
  • Optimize your Flipboard magazines by using catchy titles, detailed descriptions, and flipping new content quickly.
  • Apply to Flipboard’s Creator Collective program to unlock additional opportunities and visibility.
  • Leverage Flipboard’s Storyboard feature to create engaging narratives around your content.

Introduction to Flipboard

Flipboard started in 2010 as a way to read news and see stories in a magazine layout. It pulls news from sources like blogs and social media.2 The more you like and share stories, the more it shows what you like.

What is Flipboard?

For writers, Flipboard is great because it sends readers directly to your site.2 It has more than 100 million people looking for cool stories. This makes it different from other social media, where you can share all kinds of content.

Why Flipboard is Valuable for Bloggers

It lets writers find new readers and be part of a community.2 The trick is to share what others write, comment, and like. This helps you find more readers and fans.2

Good tips and deals do well on Flipboard. This includes savings, special deals, and clever ideas.2 A writer once got 25k views in two days thanks to a popular post on Flipboard.2

Some tips for using Flipboard are to use catchy images, the right keywords, and make lists. Also, look at what popular accounts do to learn.2

Metric Value
Twitter Shares 262
Pinterest Pins 642
Flipboard Views Over 7,000 in a day2
Pageviews per Day 7,000 – 25,0002

Getting Started with Flipboard

First, you need to make a profile on Flipboard. You can use your blog name or real name for your username. Don’t forget to choose a nice picture for your profile. Also, write a short bio. It should tell people what kind of stuff they can find in your profile.3

Creating a Profile

After setting up your profile, start making Flipboard magazines. These are like Pinterest boards. You can organize your content with them. They make everything look great. For each magazine, pick a title that makes people want to click. Then, use keywords in the description to help others find it easily.3

Setting Up Magazines

Soon as you have new blog or website content, add it to your magazines in Flipboard. Flipboard likes it when you share fresh things. This way, your posts have a better chance to be seen by more people.4

You can also make your magazines a group effort. Invite friends who blog too to add their own stuff. It’s a great way to keep your magazines interesting, especially when you’re not posting as much.2

How to Get Free Traffic from Flipboard

To get more traffic on Flipboard, work on your magazines and join special programs. Also, use Flipboard’s Storyboard feature. Begin by making your magazines better. Add eye-catching titles, update with new content, and fill out descriptions fully.2 The more new content you add, the more likely it is to be seen by over 100 million users.2

Optimizing Your Magazines

Make your magazines look great and interesting to readers. Use sharp images, titles that pop, and summaries that grab attention.2 Try different styles like lists, travel tips, money saving advice, and how-to’s. These do well with readers.2

Joining Creator Programs

Join Flipboard’s creator programs to increase your traffic. The Creator Collective allows you to create stories, curate newsletters, and get paid to contribute.4 These chances help you connect with more people and get your content out there.4

Leveraging Storyboards

Storyboards are Flipboard’s latest feature for telling stories with articles, videos, and more. They are highly promoted by Flipboard, offering a strong way to attract people to your site.4 Use their tips for creating Storyboards, like talking about what’s happening now, using the right words, and picking stunning images.4

By making great magazines, joining in on creator programs, and using Storyboards, you can bring more people to your site.5 Be active on Flipboard, talk to your readers, and share your work to see the best results.5

Promoting Your Content on Flipboard

To promote on Flipboard, share new posts as soon as they’re up. The algorithm likes new stuff. So, put your latest articles in your magazines right away. This gives them a good shot at being seen.

If you want more people to see your work, connect with others on Flipboard. Comment on what they share and ask questions. This helps you make friends on the platform.

Use important hashtags and tag fellow creators. This also helps get your work out there.

Sharing New Content Immediately

The sooner you share new content on Flipboard, the better. Post your latest blog post quickly. This way, your content might be seen by the site’s 100 million users.6

Engaging with the Community

Taking part in Flipboard’s community can help you a lot. Spend time reading and commenting on what others publish. Ask questions to show you’re interested. This can make your own work more visible.7

Don’t forget to use relevant hashtags and tags. They help your work reach more people. Being active on Flipboard can really boost your content’s chances of being shared.

Tracking and Analyzing Flipboard Traffic

Keep an eye on your Flipboard analytics regularly. This helps track how well your content does and how you are seen on Flipboard. You will see numbers like impressions, clicks, and opens. Also, see which magazines and content are most popular.8

Monitoring Flipboard Analytics

Connect Flipboard with your Google Analytics for a better look at your traffic. This tells you more about your visits, visitors, and successful actions on your site. It shows the real power of your Flipboard work and helps you use data to make it even better.8

Integrating with Google Analytics

It’s key to link [Flipboard’s traffic data] with [Google Analytics] for a big-picture of your site’s success. With these insights, you can adjust and improve your Flipboard plan. This way, you get the most out of Flipboard’s potential.87

Tips and Best Practices

Want success on Flipboard? Just follow these simple Flipboard tips and Flipboard best practices:

  1. Use the FlipIt browser extension to quickly share new content into your magazines9
  2. Integrate Flipboard sharing buttons into your blog or website to encourage your audience to engage6
  3. Prioritize flipping your newest content first, then share older pieces in your Storyboards10
  4. Aim to flip around 5 new items per day, including your own content and content from others9
  5. Keep an eye on your Flipboard analytics and integrate with Google Analytics to track performance6
  6. Experiment with Flipboard for at least 3-4 months to see the full impact before evaluating your Flipboard strategy9
  7. Stay up-to-date with Flipboard’s evolving features, such as the new fediverse integration, to maximize your traffic potential10

Following these tips and best practices helps you make the most of Flipboard. It can help drive free traffic to your website or blog. Plus, you’ll reach a new audience excited about what you offer.


Flipboard can greatly help bloggers get more readers for free.3 It began in 2010 and now has 100 million users.3 People love reading on Flipboard more.3 To make Flipboard work for you, do key things. Make a great profile, smartly organize your magazines, and use programs like Storyboards to share your work. Then, keep telling people about it. Soon, you’ll drive more visitors to your site.

To win with Flipboard, stay patient and keep trying new things.11 On Flipboard, what you post matters more than search rankings.11 Making friends and forming groups is key here.11 Work hard, and Flipboard will help your blog do even better. It’s a smart move for promoting your content and bringing in more visitors.

Flipboard is a chance to find more readers in your topic area.11 Having a Flipboard profile can send more people to your blog. Plus, adding your magazines to emails can bring visitors to your site and Flipboard.11 Think of it like this: Great content + Connecting with people + Doing it often = More visitors.


What is Flipboard?

Flipboard is a social news app and magazine platform. It grabs content from various sources. These include news publications, blogs, and social networks. It then displays this content in a magazine-like layout.

Why is Flipboard valuable for bloggers?

For bloggers, Flipboard is a powerful tool. It sends users directly to your blog. With over 100 million active users, it helps you reach a wide audience. This audience is looking for new and interesting content in your blog’s area.

How do I create a Flipboard profile and set up magazines?

To begin with Flipboard, make a profile. You can use your blog name or personal name as a username. Add a profile picture and a short bio about your content. You can then start creating your Flipboard magazines. These are like Pinterest boards for your content.Give your magazines catchy titles. Also, use relevant keywords in your magazine descriptions. This makes it easier for users to find and follow your content.

How can I optimize my Flipboard magazines and leverage Flipboard’s creator programs?

To get more traffic on Flipboard, focus on your magazines. Join creator programs and use Flipboard’s Storyboard feature. It’s important to pick eye-catching titles and write detailed descriptions for your magazines. Remember to add new content quickly.Apply for the Creator Collective program. This program offers perks like creating storyboards, curating newsletters, and becoming a paid contributor.

How do I promote my content on Flipboard?

To promote your content, post new blog articles right away. The Flipboard algorithm prefers fresh material. It’s crucial to immediately include your new content in your magazines. This gives it the best chance to be seen.Also, interact with the Flipboard community. Respond to others’ content, ask questions, and tag creators. This helps you connect and broaden your visibility on the platform.

How can I track and analyze my Flipboard traffic?

Stay on top of your Flipboard analytics to see how well your content is doing. Flipboard provides detailed data. This includes impressions, opens, clicks, and page flips. You can even link Flipboard with Google Analytics. This gives you a more complete view of your traffic sources.

What are some tips and best practices for using Flipboard?

For success on Flipboard, keep these tips in mind. Use the FlipIt browser extension for easy content sharing. Also, add Flipboard buttons to your blog or website. Focus on sharing your newest content first. Try to add about 5 new items each day. Keep an eye on your analytics.Give Flipboard at least 3-4 months to see results. Stay updated with new features on Flipboard as they evolve.



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